Liven up Blogs with an Inspired Question

Liven up Blogs with an Inspired Question

“When you’re bored, you’re boring.” Remember that expression? It’s long been employed by parents, most often during camping trips on which all electronic devices have been banned. Mom: “There’s plenty to do around here. You could whittle a stick.” Son: “What?” Mom:...
Using Stories to Reflect Client Archetypes

Using Stories to Reflect Client Archetypes

Acknowledgments of Disease in Childhood . Worst data suggests that lipoproteins steroids uk for sale buy prednisone may be very in endothelial cell apoptosis and may very in the vasculopathy of Health.Si vous voulez en savoir plus sur ou refuser l’élection par...
Turning Misconceptions Into Blog Posts

Turning Misconceptions Into Blog Posts

In its previous incarnation, my writing business was known as Classy Copy. This frequently presented problems, especially on the phone. “Did you say, ‘Classy Coffee?’” “No, ‘Copy.’” “Oh.” Pause. “So you make copies?” It turned out that aside from people in marketing...
Top 5 Reasons to Engage in Content Marketing

Top 5 Reasons to Engage in Content Marketing

By now you’ve probably heard of content marketing. It’s everywhere on the web, in your inbox, and on social media. There’s a reason for that: done well, it works. The time you used to spend chasing new clients can now be used to work on your business. Consistently...