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Do you ever find yourself:
a. Avoiding your own website
b. Leaving the room when people ask about blog posts
c. Fantasizing about what life would be like if you had a communications team
d. Realizing you haven’t communicated with clients since last June
If any of these apply to your business or non-profit organization, you’re not alone. Many companies lack a designated communications person or have marketing teams that are fully occupied with other projects. Find out how I can help to get your communications on track or supplement existing marketing and communications efforts.
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(360) 464 - 8706
Sarina Wiegman is Shaping the Future of Dutch Women’s Soccer
Sarina Wiegman began her soccer career as an outlaw. The Dutch Women’s National Team head coach first joined a team along with her twin...
What the World Needs Now: Stories of Change Agents
Tears for Fears notwithstanding, not Everybody Wants to Rule the World. Some would consider life complete if they could finally...
Liven up Blogs with an Inspired Question
“When you’re bored, you’re boring.” Remember that expression? It’s long been employed by parents, most often during camping trips on which...